
Top MTG Standard Decks: Raising Rabbits & Aristocrats

It is less popular on the MTG Arena ladder, but is a good option to anyone looking to save on crafting Leyline of Resonance. Beza, the Bounding Spring helps stabilize against aggressive decks, giving us life and tokens to block with. Deep-Cavern Bat can slow down the opponent’s game plan, Preacher of the Schism is good when ahead or behind on life, and Sheoldred, the Apocalypse and Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayalcan help us stabilize against aggro decks. While this deck has a high play rate and good win rate, it is just a step below Mono-Red Leyline and Boros Auras in those categories. It is still a fast and efficient aggro deck that you should be prepared for, and its high number of threatening creatures makes it difficult to answer with just one piece of removal.

While a turn two combo kill is difficult to prevent in Standard, this deck isn’t a one-trick pony. Gruul Aggro has long been a popular and powerful archetype, and Leyline of Resonance makes it even better. The deck is brutally fast and can easily overwhelm opponents without enough removal to stop threats like Slickshot Show-Off.

MTG Standard Top 5 Decks and Meta Tier List – November 2023 Update (The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Release)

Outside of the loss of Voldaren Epicure and a few lands, this deck is basically the same. Rekindle your love for classic reprints including allied fetch lands and discover new power-packed cards like double-sided Planeswalkers you’re sure to flip for. Once per year, after the fall set Prerelease, the four oldest sets in Standard rotate out. In this table, each archetype name hyperlinks to a well-performing, representative decklist.

It also doesn’t have access to Snakeskin Veil to protect its threats, but does has more avenues for turn two kills, making it a very scary deck to face. I imagine there are a lot of games where you are able to get a big creature into the yard, but then fail to find a Rite of the Moth to bring it back. The impending on the overlords can help us play a normal game plan while we dig, but I suspect a lot of games will be frustrating in that regard.

Players who collected previous new player decks will receive any cards from the new decks that they haven’t already collected as a grant to make sure they can take these decks out for a spin. Closer to the time of rotation in 2024, MTG Arena may hold special events and rewards to pauper decks help “renew” players’ collections for the new Standard environment. Alchemy is a recently introduced digital-only format that follows the old Standard rotation rules – every two years. However, it introduces additional digital-only cards with each expansion, existing cards are rebalanced on a regular basis, and does not have a banlist. The deck has a great suite of removal, I am really high on Anoint with Affliction right now as a cheap piece of exile removal to answer Leyline of Resonance and Helping Hand decks. Gruul Prowess was Tier 1 deck before Duskmourn released, but the leyline plan has made it even faster and more frustrating.

Standard Best of One (Bo Meta Tier List

While we decided not to separate Gruul aggro and mono-red aggro due to overwhelming similarities, we felt that mono-red midrange deserved its own slot. Mono-red midrange does borrow some elements from the more aggressive version, as cards like Monastery Swiftspear and Emberheart Challenger are still reasonable inclusions. Sunfall is still incredible against any creature deck, leaving behind a potentially enormous Incubator token to start bashing with. As we’ve seen, Foundations has introduced a wealth of exciting new cards to the Standard format, breathing new life into both established and emerging archetypes. Below is a summary table showcasing the 25 most played new-to-Standard cards based on the decklists I analyzed. Fletcher Johnson secured a Top 8 finish at the $10,000 RCQ at SCG CON Columbus with a deck that showcases the evolving face of this archetype.

Watch matches, engage with content, comment, share thoughts, and rate videos for an interactive experience. Mono Red punishes everyone who wants to try cute things out or fumbles mid-game. As if insane value wasn’t exciting enough, this deck has a decent chance of getting you a turn two kill. According to Reddit math, you’ll get all the pieces you need around 11-15% of the time, which is rather consistent.

There are multiple ways to discount artifact spells, including Etherium Sculptor, Foundry Inspector, Jhoira’s Familiar, and Cloud Key, all of which make artifacts one less mana to cast. Most of the cards in the deck are either colorless, or only have one colored mana requirement to fully take advantage of these discounts. Urza, Lord High Artificer is one of the best blue creatures ever printed, and it’s especially strong in a Reality Chip deck.

Any tokens you make from there on out, be them from Beza, the Bounding Spring or Carrot Cake, will help you generate card advantage while simultaneously letting you soak up damage. Undoubtedly, the best token producer this deck has at its disposal is Urabrask’s Forge. Urabrask’s Forge is guaranteed to trigger Caretaker’s Talent every turn cycle. Even though the token doesn’t stick around permanently, you can sacrifice it to Fountainport to draw more cards. By going bigger, this deck has a better shot at grinding through removal and board wipes. In the maindeck, Sunspine Lynx gives you a lot of reach, heavily punishing the manabases of midrange decks.

What are standard decks in MTG?

Convoke decks have kind of fallen by the wayside thanks to the popularity of Leyline of Resonance decks, but they still are putting up some results and still have a fast and consistent game plan. The more players move away from sweepers towards cheap spot removal, the better positioned a deck like Convoke will be to take down opponents who aren’t prepared. Dimir Midrange is a midrange deck looking to control their opponent’s early plays with removal and counterspells, deploy cheap evasive threats, and then generate card advantage to continue to disrupt their opponent.

Lava Spike and Boros Charm were modern burn staples, and now their power is available in Standard. The resulting new Boros Burn archetype has claimed 8.7% of the winner’s metagame over the past week. The sideboard has a full playset of the new Authority of the Consuls, alongside a pair of Cut Down, to combat the red aggressive decks, as well as a trio of Ghost Vacuum to stifle the Abhorrent Oculus decks. Duress and Cathar Commando can come in against controlling strategies, Overlord ramp decks, and even Unholy Annex decks in order to manage the various powerful enchantments running around.

This is where Rabble Rousing comes in, and helps you to constantly maintain a board presence as the game goes on. Aurelia, the Warleader is the commander of the deck and one of the best cards in it. It’s a way to get extra combats in your commander zone, and can gain extra combats the turn it enters thanks to having haste. The two-drop has protection from werewolves (Brutal Cathar), while also providing ramp and mana fixing. Melira, the Living Cure protects creatures like Brutal Cathar and Sigarda, Champion of Light. At the same time, Intrepid Adversary boosts the team and adds some much-needed Lifelink to the MTG Standard deck.

Best Standard Decks: Duskmourn Meta Report – November 4th, 2024

Mono-White decks gained a few powerful new cards through ONE, reshaping the Mono-White deck within the Standard meta. Cards like the planeswalker The Eternal Wanderer are strong within Control and Midrange builds, while cheap removal spells like Ossification work well with Lay Down Arms. The sideboard is still in flux at the time of this writing, as it’s not clear what the larger metagame will look like once the dust settles, but most of its bases are covered here. Hinterland Sanctifier does excellent work against the red-based aggressive strategies, gaining copious amounts of life from all the creatures entering play. The one weakness this archetype has as things currently stand is its ability to apply pressure in games where you don’t draw Urabrask’s Forge early.

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